Sunday, December 12, 2010

All things Pumpkin

When the holidays roll around, I have a hankering for anything and everything Pumpkin. So for this year, I wanted to make something that was chock full of pumpkin and not ending in pie. Don't get me wrong, I love pumpkin pie, but come on now....been there and done that!

Anyway, I started with a pumpkin coffee cake with a yummy streussel on top and then ended with my new favorite type of "cookie", a Whoopie Pie. Here are some pictures in case you're insterested:

The coffee cake was a moist cake with a crunchy yummy streusel topping. The whoopie pie was a pumpkin whoopie with a bourbon caramel cream cheese filling. It was so good that I just might have to add this to my holiday flavors next year. All in all, the pumpkin baking experiment turned out to be a winner. 

Monday, October 25, 2010


I think everyone knows by now that I love sweets....I love making them, eating them, dreaming of them, etc. so when someone asked me if i can make oreo's, I had to really think about it. might be a little difficult to make Oreo's, BUT i can definitely make Whoopie pies (which are pretty close). Think Oreo cakesters instead of the actual crunchy oreo's.

Anyway, I'm always on the lookout to see if I can add a new recipe to my Cake Bar menu and I stumbled upon this brilliant recipe: Rum and Coke Whoopie Pies! Oh my.....and this is what they look like...

I think I have to play with the recipe a little and try to tweak it a smidge for a fuller coke taste in the cake, but all in all it was delicious. Now I have 2 dozen mini whoopie pies and some of my neighbors will be getting a treat tomorrow.